Monday, February 18, 2013

Sheakid returns

I'm baaaaaaack!

     After my blog about New York Mets Fantasy Camp, a number of people were kind enough to say that they enjoyed it a great deal.  Some people said that they learned a great deal about me from the blog and that my writing was very entertaining.

     With this in mind, I have decided to continue with a blog that is merely going to be random musings from yours truly.  My ramblings won't be anything earth-shattering and you probably won't learn anything you didn't already know.  But, hopefully, you will get a chuckle or two and these days, who couldn't use that .

     A number of years ago a friend of mine said that I should do something a la Larry King when he used to just write things off the top of his head.  (I don't think he's still doing that.  I could be incorrect).  I will try to not make it controversial, and so I will be avoiding giving opinions having to do with religion or politics.  Too many people are easily offended.  Can't go there.

     So keep your eyes peeled to this location every few days.

     I'll try to make it interesting.

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